Saturday, March 19, 2005

Found In The Want Ads

Today, I received the following e-mail, which I am not making up:

Yeknom Industries seeks English to Monkey Translator. And proper monkey.
Not that garbage slang the kids use today. One guy applied for the job, and told the boss, "Er er aaah aaaaaah!" That not even a full sentence!
"Er EEE er aaaah aaaaaah!" I mean come on, doesn't that just SOUND better? Good thing youth is curable!

About Yeknom Industries:
Yeknom Industries largest monkey collective in world. Found in 1976 with patent of stick, Yeknom Industries operate 22 countries, employ chimpanzees, and a humans. If have opposable thumb, even one, and considered cog in bloated industry machine, explore Yeknom Industries'
career jobs.

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