Sunday, April 24, 2005

In A Bookstore: Vol. 3

Clerk: Dictionaries 'R Us, Buddy speaking, how may I help you?

Translator: You RIP-OFF BASTARDS! I bought this CD, this, whatchamacallit, Eichborn. And now I can only use it on one PC?

Clerk: I'm sorry sir, if there are any restrictions they're not ours. We just sell the dictionaries.

Translator: 500 euros.

Clerk: Excuse me?

Translator: 500 euros is what I paid for this piece of crap. Now I gotta buy a new one if I upgrade my PC. You BASTARDS! I HOPE-

Clerk: (hangs up)


Anonymous said...

So Eichborn's really worth abusing Buddy, is it? (asks RobinB, who thought bookstore clerks were all 19 year-olds called Darren...)

Trench Warrior said...

Coming soon to a theater near you:

Buddy Strikes Back!

SEE him heap scorn on callers!

HEAR his witty retorts to stupid questions!

FOLLOW his campaign of vengance against the inane!

(Not suitable for infants, pregnant women or the humor-impaired)

Mighty Meagan said...

heh =) I'll be looking for the next installment

Anonymous said...

Fight report:

In the Blue corner, Bookstore Buddy (BB). In the Red corner, Trenchant Translator (TT).

TT knocked himself out by the sheer force of his own irony in the first round.

The Kidman Belt (named after the World's Most Famous Interpreter) goes to BB.

TT is recovering in hospital, where his ego is being massacred by an end-to-end recitation of that famously crap, overpriced dictionary of outdated, superfluous business and finance terminology by Von, Zu und Als Ob Eichborn.